
Marcus Mitchell (Founder/President/CEO) was born December 4, 1970 in Washington, D.C. After graduating high school in 1988, the 17 yr. old went to work right away at the Central Intelligence Agency. He made a 10 yr. career at the CIA with this opportunity. Throughout this time, he acquired a diploma at Tesst Electronic Computer Institue, but often felt there was something missing. Also during this time he got married for the first time and had a daughter, but things didn't work out, and they later divorced. Marcus relocated to Las Vegas where he began a new career in the logistics field at Exel which is where he met Yanira, fell in love, and would stay for 7 yrs. until her death from stomach cancer. Marcus resigned with great respect and honor from all his colleagues in September 2008. Now armed with passion and a mission, Marcus sets out to help change the world and inspire people through his twitter account. In November 2010, Marcus calls together some close assosicates to be a part of the non-profit organizaion he and Yanira invisioned. On November 22, 2010 the dream finally became a reality for Stomach Cancer Relief Network Inc.
Melissa Skipworth (Vice President/CFO/Treasurer) was born December 20, 1983 in Las Vegas, Nevada. She has been working in the Trade Show and Events industry since she was 18 yrs. old. When she first started working at Exhibit Fair International Inc., she was hired on as the main receptionist with some executive assistant responsibilities. She answered phones, typed up emails, design and estimate requests, along with contracts and production orders, scheduling appts., pre show planning/show services, I&D supervision, etc. Now she is the assistant to the President of EFI. She also works closely with the General Mgr., Operations Mgr. and the Production Team, along with two other Account Executives, New Business Development and Marketing Departments.
Yesenia Pinera (Exec. Assistant/Secretary) ...BIO COMING SOON!